How Suzy’s Always-On Research Helps Insights Teams Boost Foundational Learning


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Our recently updated agile research platform can be applied to a wide variety of consumer feedback studies, providing fast, informative, cost-effective insights. Here’s what it can do for your company’s foundational learning research.


Any successful ad campaign or product launch for a brand operating in consumer-based industries is built upon the foundational learning stage of the project. Of course, the best source for information on how to execute such maneuvers is the consumers themselves.

“Whenever you undertake a foundational learning study, it’s about understanding who your consumer is,” said Suzy’s Senior Vice President of Market Research, William Cimarosa, during our recent product update kickoff event, Connecting Quant & Qual: How Brands Are Leveraging Continuous Consumer Insights. “Who is the target? Who are they in terms of their attitudes, their beliefs, their demographics?”

In the past, such research projects have been extraordinarily costly and labor intensive. There’s the briefing of vendors who conduct the studies, the gathering of focus groups, the tabulation and exploration of all the data, and so on and so forth. It could take up to a month to gain the valuable information needed to move on to any natural next steps. The cost? Tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Such insights are more vital than ever today, and need to be collected at unprecedented speeds if a company wants to keep up with their competition and changing consumer demands. 

Achieving this high level of customer understanding has been no easy task through the years, but with a new Suzy Live integration, which Cimarosa described as a “quant/qual feedback loop,” researchers can answer all the questions they need answered — and plenty more — to achieve foundational learning at an optimal level in as little as a few days. 

Now, researchers can “find users that are relevant to your category and invite them into qualitative interviews throughout the product journey,” said Cimarosa. From there, researchers can use the information from these interviews to develop a questionnaire that can zero in on precisely the data they want, and then re-engage with a targeted group of consumers, all within a single platform. 

Researchers can ask these vetted consumers why they answered the survey in whichever ways spark the researchers’ interest. Learn about their different attitudes, need states, satisfiers, dissatisfiers and opportunity areas that are relevant at each step. 

With these hyper-focused qualitative discussions, researchers can target their learning toward the breadth of the consumer experiences, understanding the journey, as well as how the consumers perceive the brand, what’s important to them about the product category, what the opportunity areas are, and where the consumers can be delighted more. 

“This is an area of exploration with qual,” Cimarosa explained. “The broader the findings the better. You want to leverage your Suzy Live interactions to find the full universe of attitudes and need states so that you can then turn that into a quantitative survey, which will be your measurement tool.”

Of course, measuring the data is only half the battle. Researchers have to bring their findings to life, as Cimarosa observed.

“When you have findings around certain need states, why not go back and have the consumers talk specifically about what each of those need states entail?” Cimarosa said. “Find out in their own words what are the satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Putting that in front of your brand team, your agency teams and your designers is going to be a great way to have an additional impact when you bring your segmentation to life.”

For more information about how Suzy Live’s new quant/qual feature enhancement can help your consumer research needs, watch the entire webinar at


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